Take Back Your Meds is a national program encouraging people to clean out their medicine cabinets and responsibly dispose of unused or expired prescription and over-the-counter medications. It addresses a significant threat to public health and safety – many abused drugs are obtained from the home medicine cabinet.More info :https://takebackyourmeds.org
Every spring and fall the DEA hosts a series of nationwide drug take-back events where temporary collection sites are set up across the country to help people get rid of their unwanted medications. The DEA also maintains a list of permanent (year-round) controlled substance public disposal locations, where people can drop off any unwanted medication at any time.
Expired Medications: The Hidden Dangers and Take Back Your Meds Solutions
In addition to DEA-authorized collections, there are several other ways to dispose of medications at home safely. Before throwing away your unused medicines, always read the medication label and follow any specific instructions for proper disposal. For example, some medications can be harmful if ingested by children or pets, and some may have special instructions to flush them down the toilet instead of throwing them away.
In New York State, Chapter 120 of the laws of 2018 requires manufacturers of covered drugs sold in the state to establish and manage a drug take-back program or provide other Federal Drug Enforcement Agency-approved methods of collection. Pharmacies that sell covered drugs are required to participate in these programs and must notify the Department of Health if they discontinue participation or change their method of collection.